Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Where is this world really heading?

     Where is this world really heading? Honestly who knows?  If you ask someone like my mother for example she would say "it's in God’s hands".  If I ask my neighbors this question he would probably tell me to fuck off.  The truth is this world is filled with a small amount of people that actually have a tendency to care too much for their fellow man.   There are a small few that will go out of there homes and put themselves in the wake of harms way to protect there country.  There are even a small few that would give there lives to protect or what they would say is “make a difference".  

     The truth is that all examples of what I wrote and much more I could have added is the thoughts and actions of simplistic organisms and not action of an intelligent species.  The simplistic truth is that we still live in a world of fear.  People who have influence in this world do not realize the impact there choices make for the species as a whole.  Despite all of our progress, all of the buildings we built, all of the bridges we put up and all of the goals we have met; we still have so far to go that it dwarfs what we have already accomplished.  The people of influence are thinking for the here and now and usually for themselves first.  These people who have been chosen in one way or another must realize that there lives should mean more then what they think it does.  If they only devoted themselves to the bettering of humanity as a whole and not just borders and profits; we would see increasingly swift changes of a positive nature.

     Everyday people read news like me to stay informed.  Most people do not realize that they are usually reading scripted talk and propaganda.  The word Live has lost all of its meaning over the past couple of decades.  Sure it is live.  All live is stating is that it is being filmed and shot to you at the same time.  This does not mean that they didn’t have meetings about it the same morning prior to going live.  This doesn’t mean they didn’t discuss key talking points and questions to pose and questions not to pose.    Acting qualities have also reached our news people.  The reality is that complaining about this is a waste of my time and yours.  We have to soak it all in, the good and the bad, we must read between the lines and train our minds to not judge instantly but to be diligent and research things for ourselves.  Believe it or not there are places were you can look things up and get honest answers.  Not all the time but at least you will have enough information to formulate your own opinions.  

      You’re sitting there saying to yourself "why the heck should I bother with all of this? What could I possibly do to change things?  The answer is most likely nothing.  Staying informed is not an option, it is a must.  Imagine for a second you’re a fish and have no clue of what fishing is.  Would you not want word to get around from fish to fish letting you know there are wonderful treats floating around that are dangerous and that you should stay away?  This is the same concept.

Something to think about until next time world.  Talk to you all very soon.

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