Monday, November 16, 2009

Need to know and What you can do.

Democratization was killed in America a long time ago. Now in its place is Corporatization and Industrialism which are now consuming the planet by the global elite and things are going almost just as planned by them. Today exists only an illusion of Left Right politics. It doesn't matter any more if you are a republican or a democrat because the show they put on for us is nothing more then your evening TV drama shows and they prove this fact every day that goes by. All you need to do is keep a close eye on the news and there beautiful grilling sessions on C-Span and you will see these Grammy winners act our lives away. Some are Virtuous but those are only a small handful. The others, aware or not are the scum of the earth. Wall street is now in our White house, this time like never before with nearly everyone who is everyone is from Wall Street. Thank our wonderful President for that one. There job this term is to demolish the United States Constitution, take away our rights and convert this country into a socialistic society where the government rules. How will they start? They have started a long long time ago by bleeding this country of all of its assets and funds and moving them abroad for the corporate take over of this country. One tool they use is one they concocted called Derivatives. They have taken the Derivatives bubble to a new and greater plain for themselves. FYI, Derivatives are nothing, zero, zilch nada. Made up... Investments of things that do not physically exist. So imagine for yourselves, for a second, if I gave you the power to make things up on Wall Street in our society and make it really really big and then have the dollar stand behind it, aren't your possibilities endless? They are and they are doing this every day. It is no out of our control lades and gentlemen. It wasn't enough for the elite that The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 was abolished for them, by them. Nay... Now they are plundering away at everything they can get there hands on and they are doing it world wide this time and the American people are paying for it and will continue to pay for it in blood over the years to come if they are not stopped.

Because of there Tierney they now made society reach a new low of being scared of one another enough to bury themselves in digital talk instead of the real thing face to face. Hello's, Hugs and pound's have come to hey or what's up or even a simple nod. As if people were diseased and your the only one around that isn't sick. Suddenly everyone could be a terrorist, our liberties are being stripped away every day people. Humanity in our wonderful America has degraded into an unfriendly, industrial and corporate lifestyle. Work don't live. Stay away from each other because people might be contagious or something. This is all a result in there new plan which is progressing forward at a faster pace then they expected and it is called Divide and Conquer, a strategy used a Millennial ago because this one actually works. They feeds us, divisions of all forms, Food, culture, news, entertainment, drugs, racism and any other tool that serves there purposes to continue conducting business as usual.

The reality is that this country is and always shall remain until corrected that is, at the top of societies movement as a whole, because the top 10% who have that wealth are all here. Not living here per say, not all of them at least. But in the way that matters most is they are all here regardless. In a corporate sense. Instead of doing great things for humanity in progressing and helping to evolve the species with there endless resources. Instead... They plunder away at the type of movement which only suites there bottom line... Dollar signs, soon to be ended and a global currency en-stated by a global bank; and if it risks sacrificing humans in the process then so be it. Population reduction is one part of there master plan. Yes mass sterilization. Apparently there are too many humans on this planet in there view. Oil domination is another. Not telling the public is that were already burning through Oil reserves in the world and plants are running at top efficiency to get the oil but there sucking them dry faster then the world is consuming it.

Listen my fellow people. Open your eyes and then open your minds, then open your mouths and close your fists. Think about it. All of the new theological, Psychological, pharmaceutical, industrial, advertising, engineering and research done today are funded by these people with the wealth. There thoughts and ideas have extended from there pockets to the project so swiftly and in such a level, so deep into controlling , manipulating and taking advantage of you. Control you with drugs to feed off your addiction to the virus they didn't cure but made you able to live with. Psychologically mess with your head by allowing mass entertainment of all kinds of nonsense to keep your eyes off the ball making you believe that living in this delusion that they crafted for you to live in, called life; make you OK with it and live on and if your aware of them doing this to you, make you timid and shrug your shoulders. So much corruption. So many bad people in the world. As if goodness has long since left this world. It has not my fellow people! It still exists and I will tell you where to find it as well. It is inside you.

There is a way out. In fact there is a way out and forward. All that needs to be done is something that you, and only you can do. Regardless of what they throw at you, keep your heads high and the most important thing, to learn to care for your fellow man and woman, to be kind to one another, to talk to one another and resolve old and new conflicts of all shapes and sizes. Bring humanity together by not globalizing economy but globalizing the people. Get to know your neighbors. Have a BBQ together.

How is it that our country has never had an Ambassador of Good Will.
People... Life is so small and precious. It's fragile now more then ever. We are very close to loosing every freedom that we take for granted. We are also on the verge of loosing this countries heritage and true history. We need goodness to overcome the darkness in people. Just imagine that if you change and become virtuous and drop your vices that life will not only change for you but to those around you. It's not easy given the hardships that most suffer in this life. But adapt and learn to put some kind of positive effort to bring goodness from your heart, no matter what level of it that you can. If we all do this it will eventually infect the bad people themselves with goodness and they will learn and truly see that it is a very high priority to do great things in life for the bettering of humanity in it's entirety. War will never come again, at least not with ourselves. Our resources for pharmacology, psychology, theology, engineering will turn in a positive and different direction then now. Research for things like cures, "laugh out loud". Research for things like planetary energy, unleashing all power sources that are currently conceived but never released to the public and put our heads together to find ones that work for humanity. The people will be informed about all actions taken at the top levels and we will be able to conduct public, live elections by real-time voting, digitally; and not just for presidents but for things of consequence relating to humanity as a whole. Bio engineering research will turn into research for prolonging and extending life. Live where ever you want in all the land of the world, taking humans in the sky and off the roads by means of a new and already developed personal transportation system using vehicles that fly by themselves which already exist. Psychology research will turn to learning on how to shape society to ensure prosperity and happiness. Do what you can to better yourself. Serve humanity everyday of your life always knowing that Humans will go on living forever. Leave earth when it's your time, knowing that you did your part what ever it was and that you made a difference. Have a happy life in the process. Know that you touched people in some way and lived a happy person from the moment you came in kicking and screaming when that doctor slapped your ass. Die feeling that. It won't be so bad, won't you say?

Speak up America. They can't hear your thoughts but they can hear your words. Organize with your neighbors, Go to Tea parties when you can. Help us all to help you and me and bring justice to the door step of tyrannical oligarchs of the world.


In Violation of the Constitution: Obama Takes On Chairmanship of UN Security Council
September 14, 2009

Some unprecedented news today, folks. Never in the history of the United Nations has a U.S. President taken the chairmanship of the powerful UN Security Council. Perhaps it is because of what could arguably be a Constitutional prohibition against doing so. To wit: Section 9 of the Constitution says:

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.


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